Swastika Anand?

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GuptaRati 6666

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Swastika Anand?

Post13 Aug 2017

Yesterday, I watched with great disgust, the melee between multiple factions of white supremacists and counter-demonstrations in Virginia. There was in my mind thoughts of images an ancient, potent spiritual symbol, the swastika. Yesterday, it seemed as though the potent spiritual energy of a symbol from ancient times was for another moment in history, was taken and twisted in dark dimensions to manifest negative energies.

Bliss by swastika has a deep meaning, which many BKs have tried to inculcate. However, when done correctly can empower the seeker to great enlightenment and service to the world with great humility. Sure, the BKs are correct about the decades required for spiritual growth, including have a great understanding of the many past and future lives experienced by souls on this earth stage.

Yesterday, the white supremacists did not manifest any attribute of swastika anand. The Nazis, 70 plus years ago, also never approached any positive inculcation of swastika. For the BKs and many other Indo-centric spiritual groups, and also ultra-right organizations, when there is true understanding of swastika, the color of the skin and texture of the hair will not matter, may be not even the color of the auras of individuals.
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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post13 Aug 2017

How lucky the Asians are not to have been dragged into the European war and fall under the psychic burdens of 70 years of propaganda and counter-propaganda, the Nazis' defeat and the Pro-Israel/Zionists' rise to power etc, so as for them the Swastika remains pure, unsullied and in its original conceptual form ... a positive sun symbol, said to have a 12,000-year-old history, that used to be common throughout many cultures.

I would support efforts to rehabilitate the swastika ... at one point, Zionists were even attempting to squash Hindu, Jain and Buddhist rights to use it ... but it would be a hard, uphill fight.

I honestly don't know what the present day "Alt-Right" or so called "white supremacists" really think or believe. I don't what their aims are, what the reasons for their concerns are, or how valid they are. However, I do tend to think that the so called or radical "Left" that opposes them at these events, the "Antifa" I think they are called, have become just another brand of nihilistic fascism themselves, and I don't warm to them either. I think it is just a kind of fashion for certain kinds of youth; a bit of excitement, and an excuse to punch policemen and do a bit of criminal damage against "Daddy State".

Terms such as Left and Right have lost all meaning for me. I've even gotten to the point where I refused to be moved by accusations of anyone or anyone policy being "Far Right", seeing it just as a meaningless "bogeyman" slur. A dumbing down of the issues.

At the same time, I am not American and so I cannot support the White American claim to the land they exploit. Apparently about 53% of the USA is still not even legally ceded to this day. In other words, it is stolen from the Native Americans. It is the most brutal, racially divided society that I have ever experienced.

I don't know about the BKs in this deparment. I've often argued that they too are actually a Right Wing, conservative and most certainly supremacist - Hindu supremacist - religion. From being British patriots, Lekhraj Kirpalani quickly evolved into become an Indian nationalist (presumably after Congress's success). There were no Blacks or Whites for them to contend with until the mid 1970s when Erol and others started to join.

They and their philosophies have obviously had to mutate according to their audiences, but at it core it was not a issue of "the color of the skin and texture of the hair not mattering" due to spiritual enlightement, but the color of the skin and texture of the hair will not matter because they will all be the same ... a light skinned, long, straight haired Hindu ideal, as per the Lakshmi and Narayan and Krishna images.

Bizarrely, I would tend to say most of the non-Indian BKs swung to the Liberal/Left side.

We have seen how elements within BKism have attempted to re-write their heavenly Golden Age vision to include, say, blondes (I am thinking of Russian BKs illustrations of heaven). To be honest, I've never seen a negroid BK deity with an afro yet.

Have the BKs ever presented the image of a "multi-cultural" heavenly Bharat? Could BK India swallow that?

What have their god or leaders said on the matter?

Unfortunately "spiritual vision" alone is not enough to cure society's ails. I think by portraying the problem as a racial issues misses the point to a degree, and that point is discordant conducts or cultures. Is this not what the issue is here? Remembering the old "immovable object meeting the irresistible force" question? What happens when to or more discordant cultures meet? Who wins ... how and why? Do we merely accept a Darwinian solution?

In the short term, "White" culture does appear supreme, albeit White supremists not being the more supreme amongst Whites ... but will its ascendency last? The BKs say no, they are bound to nuke each other into non-existence for Indians to win.

The so called Left worldwide has attempted to win elections by promoting "multi-culturalism" in order to appeal to various different minorities and group them together, without considering the strategy's costs upon society ... and without culculating the political loss for them in terms of disenfranchised White working classes swinging to the Right.

That's now blowing back in their faces.

The BKs' political strategy is simpler. They don't fighting to win, their strategy is to sit out while the "cats fight" merely aiming to "steal the butter" (the rewards)* now and afterwards. They'll suck up to whoever is in power and attempt to climb the slippery pole of power appealing to them.

* That is direct from a BK saying that goes something like, "two cats fought over some milk and a monkey stole the butter". can anyone remember it correctly?

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post14 Aug 2017

Ex-I, Thank you for your thorough and extensive reply. There seems to be a paradox in BK philosophy when inculcating swastika anand or swdarshan chakra dari (SCD). Though the Murlis instruct the raj yogi to have an understanding of the yogi's many past and future lives in a cyclic pattern, it seems to be man mat to dwell upon past life experiences. I think the paradox of inculcating SCD has been an obstacle to the spiritual growth of individual BKs and the BK organization. Lack of SCD inculcation by the BKs has, it seems, contributed to the culturally entrenched racism in the BK organization.
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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post14 Aug 2017

One concept key to BKism is that the closer you were to Lekhraj Kirpalani geographically, the higher and purer you were (and more happiness etc you experienced).

Therefore the further you wandered as a "soul" reincarnating into other races and religions, the less pure or high you were as a BK relatively speaking.

No other value of merit was conceived off.

It did not matter how intelligent, gifted, skilled, charitable, loveful, right or whatever you were. If you were not a Sindhi, you were second or third class at best.

In BKism, you are either "house nigger" (a compliant surrendered BK) or an "uppity nigger" (e.g. suffering from "Brothers' Maya") ... but either way, they and their overseers run the plantation. No questions asked.

I believe this attitude remains within BKism with the elevated status of the "Original Jewels" (original Om Mandli followers). It's a bizarre and narcissistic form of "micro-supremacism" in which not just Indians, nor even Sindhis but just those closest to Lekhraj Kirpalani by birth were the automatic rightful inheritors of the entire planet in a heavenly state, to be nicely provided for my willing and submissive "scientists".

Talk about "entitlement" ...

At a latter date, I presume so as not to hurt the feelings of Western BKs, this belief was modified to include them as having "taken one birth away" from Lekhraj Kirpalani and the Sind for the sake of promoting the BKWSU and service".

How many non-Sindhi or non-Indians have made it into the leadership of the BKWSU and what exactly are its requirements for leadership?

I think friction at the borders of conflicting cultures is to be expecting. Who or which culture "wins" in this world tends to be decided on other elements than "spirituality", generally force or violence of one kind or another.

The BK response appears to be that peace will only exist if and when everyone adopts BKism ... and submission their leadership ... which even they know won't happen, hence Destruction to wipe out all the troublesome shudras. Oh, and Europe, Africa, most of Asia and Australasia and the Americas sinking under the oceans!

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post15 Aug 2017

Ex-I, You are accurate and precise with your posts on the topic.

Errol, off the record when I interviewed him, related one of his experiences when assisting in the service on the Barbados. He had spent his entire spring break in 1980 in Barbados as the BKs were starting service there. He must have spent only 48 hours at the home of a Sindi BK businessman, but had to spend the rest of his service time living at the office of the businessman BK in down town Bridgetown. That was because the other residences in the Sindi enclave, were offended by the presence of a black person, even a visiting BK from the US living in their community.

At that time Errol had been using his rented home at Tuskegee as the raj Yoga center and had spent his summer holidays assisting in service in San Antonio, Texas.

He was told by the Sindi businessman, candidly, that he was a West Indian or South American BK and therefore, different than the Sindi BK.

When he returned from his first visit from Mount Abu, in the winter of 1977, during a tutoring/counselling session with Mohini Panjabi, she told him in stern terms that he was competing with the Sindi BK Sisters.
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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post15 Aug 2017

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:He was told by the Sindi businessman, candidly, that he was a West Indian or South American BK and therefore, different than the Sindi BK.

I would say from my recollection, we were really just peripherals ... part of a distance halo around the Sindi core. Not just unpaid servants for their majesties, but paying servants ... again, I have argued before, part of the traditional bhaibund business model that BKism is based on where juniors have to be extraordinary sacrifices and prove their commitment before being accepted as a "Brother" in their pecuniary system.

But, fair enough to a degree, as - in the beginning - it was the Sindhis who were funding the show and the BK Sindhis who were pulling that funding in.

We gave too, but I suspect it was just pocket money to how much the BKs got off them. In the beginning, until Western BKism started to form, we were politely accommodated and tolerated, humoured, and the subject of humour for them, until they began to accept that Indian BKism did not sell in the West and had to be modified ... and the modified Western version worked at drawing in Westerners. (A form which is now being sold back to increasingly Westernised middle class Indian BKs).

It took a long struggle against the incumbent BK core for that form to come about. Perhaps what sold it most was when Brian Bacon's business BKism took off ... and started pulling in big business and big money?

I believe in Africa their primary market is Indian, again funded by rich Sindhis. (Gujeratis make good servants for them). I wonder if BKism is being modified for the African audience? How else could it bridge from where Africans are spirituality (a diverse equation) to where BKism want to get them.

Is there an "Black" soul-conscious/enlightened state, and does it differ from the Indian or Euro-centric ones? (A contentious question, I know).

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post16 Aug 2017

There is no black soul consciousness, the spiritual experiences at their core for souls in black bodies is very similar to the experiences of souls from other cultures. However, there are socio-cultural experiences, which can add metaphysical color to the pathway of a soul in a black body. One major mistake done by BKs and the yogi in the black body is thinking that a soul in a black body is more degraded than a soul in a non-black body. The other error is thinking that having a black body in this life, implies that the soul had black bodies in past lives. Here is where an honest application of the concept of SCD can assist the soul in growth and development way beyond the BK dogmas. Many blacks can become entrapped into Pauline Christian teachings as apposed to the Nazarian teachings.

For those who grow into the Nazarene teaching there are a wealth of evidence-based information to guide their spiritual growth beyond the confines of BKism. Spiritual self discovery can help minorities to understand they are not servants to the inner core of BKs. The studies of Van Sertima demonstrate that there were blacks among the Red People of the so called New World, including North America. American governance has taken from ancient Egypt many potent spiritual symbols, including the Eye of Horus and the Stars and Stripes.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post16 Aug 2017

If Malcolm X were alive today, and he were exposed to BK philosophy, he would for sure see the many inconsistencies. It will be interesting to observe the opinions of Cornell West or Dick Gregory on BK philosophy or Noam Chomsky.
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Pink Panther

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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post16 Aug 2017

BK philosophy? Surely that is a contradiction in terms.

Discussion about souls in black or white bodies is like talking about fairies in English gardens versus French ones or whether white rhinos experience life differently to black ones.
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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post16 Aug 2017

Pink Panther wrote:BK philosophy? Surely that is a contradiction in terms.

Discussion about souls in black or white bodies is like talking about fairies in English gardens versus French ones or whether white rhinos experience life differently to black ones.

Fair comments, except that I'd say the difference between Black and White cultures is greater than the difference between rhino species.

As a sad aside and an even sadder reflection on humanity, apparently there is only one remaining male northern white rhino left in the world, a 43-year-old in Kenya and it has to live under 24-hour armed guard in a nature conservancy park.

I've never met a faerie, so I cannot comment on their current population levels.
GuptaRati 6666 wrote:There is no black soul consciousness ... One major mistake made by BKs and the yogi in the black body is thinking that a soul in a black body is more degraded than a soul in a non-black body. The other error is thinking that having a black body in this life, implies that the soul had black bodies in past lives.

The usual projection within BKism is to believe, or to be encouraged to believe, that one was Indian in one's last life and to use that as an explanation for one's embracing of BK life, and numerous Indian social and cultural inflections. Perhaps even an old re-incarnated Sindhi BK.

It's sad to say that Pink is probably correct with their poingnant comment about the lack of depth of understanding of such issues within BKism. The entire social/cultural dimension of one's being is just entirely discarded as "impure". All efforts are about "remembering" or "re-emerging" that original fairy-like state of being one was supposed to have 5,000 years ago when first incarnated.

There's little to no discuss or theory about the rest, their comparative values, the effects of various cultural experiences, the causes and reasons for each race's predicaments and so on. There's no theory for the different states of being, just a simple response to them ... discard them all and become BK.

"Follow Baba and the Seniors' example", submit to them and their indo-centric examples.

And, of course, the BKs teach that all the bad and unjust things that happened to Black people are their own fault due to their own previous bad Karmas; if they were slaved, it was because they were slavers; if they were discriminated against, it was because they discriminated against others; if they are famished or impoverished, it is all their own fault according to BKism.

I, personally, don't believe that.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post18 Aug 2017


you have indicated some important factors. For sure, there were white slaves and in another form there still are. It will be an error to regard the slavery and exploitation of blacks in generalized ways. I have lived in the Southern United States for 12 years and was born and grew up on a sugar plantation in the West Indies where my parents and many relatives were on the technical staff of the sugar factory. In the United States, to this day, close to 80% of black veterinarians are graduates of Tuskegee University. That's because many of the other schools of veterinary medicine would not accept blacks into their first year veterinary classes. It is only in the last 30 years, veterinary schools other than Tuskegee started to accept a few blacks into their first year classes.

How did Dr. Charles Drew, the black surgeon and scientist who pioneered blood transfusion and preservation of blood became a professor at Howard University Medical School, when he could have been offered a professorship at Harvard or Columbia University? Institutions in those days, like Harvard were afraid to have a black faculty because they might loose wealthy clients. Up to the mid-1970's the United Sates Center for Disease Control in Atlanta were conducting unethical experiments using STD organisms in humans living in Tuskegee.


blacks and other ethnic groups cannot accept 100% the karmic responsibility of slavery and their socio-economic conditions. There are many in the 1% of the money and power pyramid, who profit from the impoverished states of communities globally.

The greatest narco-traders are members of the 1% who are sought by the BKs. There is a silver lining in the dark cloud of the slave trade. The Caribbean was once part of Atlantis. Souls who departed Atlantis and re-incarnated to lands such as Africa were returned as slaves for the sugar and cotton industries.

Pauline Christianity has become a spiritual blindfold around the third eyes of blacks who hold the symbolic powers of the Ganesh(swastika) in their spiritual hands and are unaware of the powers within them.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post20 Aug 2017

Dick Gregory, prominent political activist and natural health authority made his transition yesterday. I have cited Mr. Gregory as one of the black intellectuals who would have been curious about the BKs and their activism, but would have had reservations about collaborating with them. When Errol commenced introducing raj Yoga on the campus of Tuskegee University in the late 1970's Dick Gregory was one of many black intellectuals who were spiritual that he was advised to contact.

https://www.aol.com/article/entertainme ... /23154839/

I also think that the BKs have got to be extremely careful about the damage to souls of their spiritual racism, through the collective unconsciousness. This has to be an individual and institutional responsibility. It is comfortable to say that the poor and disadvantaged deserves to be in their misery because it is their karma and it is also comfortable to feel high and mighty because of some spiritual awareness, including SCD. However, there is a danger in the comfort or being in the spiritual comfort zone. A spiritual seeker should not be dwelling in any comfort zone.

GuptaRati 6666

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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post20 Aug 2017

It is also interesting to note that while Brian Bacon, a White Western BK, was encouraged by the BKs all along the way, a Black such as Errol was discouraged by some factions in the BK establishment. Brian, of course, was used by the BKs to get themselves into the global power structure, which is dominated by corporations with white males as the captains of industry. Though Errol was given the green light by Baap Dada to pursue veterinary studies some elements tried to discourage him from a career in veterinary medicine.

The dogma in the BK theology stipulated that Destruction was near, that was in the late 1970s and 1980s, and there was no need to pursue long term professional training. The other part of the dogma indicated that there was no need for veterinarians and physicians in Sat Yug and Treta Yug, only scientists and engineers to build the infrastructure and the sustain it as servants of the goddesses and gods.
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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post20 Aug 2017

GuptaRati 6666 wrote:Though Errol was given the green light by Baap Dada to pursue veterinary studies some elements tried to discourage him from a career in veterinary medicine.

Not just "spiritual racism" but spiritual caste-ism too.

I've not checked my sources on this but I'd suspect a veterinary is a low caste job in India, probably traditionally carried out by butchers or herders.

This is where Indian vegetarianism is different from Western vegetarianism; the former being an extension of their notion of personal "purity", and the latter being bound up with animal rights, and the spiritual vision of animals being beings in their own right.

Animals are impure encumberances in the BK world, pointless, negative, wasteful karmic accounts to have ... why waste your time "serving them"? A servant of the impure ... good heavens, that's just not BK!

Apart from Lekhraj Kirpalani shooting monkeys up on Mount Abu, where at all do animals fit into the BK world view? I never saw a BK senior so much as touch a cat or dog. Being 'mock Brahmins', I suspect that if they did, they've have to return to the centre, wash themselves and change their clothes.

For the traditional Indian, again, an animal is a lower birth; where for a typical Western vegetarians, an animal is just a different birth and not bound by fantansies of the transmigration of souls (or metempsychosis).

In some - not all - schools of Hinduism and Buddhism, an birth as an animal is at best a punishment ... and therefore - thanks to a misunderstanding of karma (and a convenient slice of capitalism (corrupt middle men) on top) - it's OK for them to suffer, be neglected or exploited.

One remarkable exception to that rule was Emperor Ashoka (268-223 BC) who conquered/united India and then developed a Buddhist rule, providing for free hospitals, and veterinary clinics and schools. His 14 edicts included;
    No living being was to be slaughtered or sacrificed
    Humans and animals were to be provided medical care throughout his territory.
Therefore despite the devious BK version of their beliefs, I propose we have the BK "spiritual" caste system as;
    Sindhi BKs
    Hindu BKs and useful Westerners
I've an open question mark on the place of Muslims and Dravidian Indians who are apparently lacking in numbers within the BK leadership.
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Re: Swastika Anand?

Post20 Aug 2017

This is where, as usual, the BK logic - in their ignorance of the Vedas and real human history - crumbles and falls all over the place.

BK theory states everything that happened in history started in this age they call the Sangum or Confluence Age (or "shooting period), from approximately 1936 to 2036. So if they put down veterinarians studies, how would it exist in the next cycle of time?

From 'Livestock and Livelihoods, the Indian Context' by Nitya Sambamurthi Ghotge ...
The first literary evidence of the existence of veterinarian studies is found in the Rig Veda (2,000 to 1,400 BC) and the Atharva Veda. Seemingly the art developed right up until the 6th BC after which religious forces led to its decline. Possibly, veterinary medicine preceded the developed of human medicine and that early humans learnt through observing animals.

As early as 11 AD, they had a study recognising 250 diseases affecting cattle and treatments. The treatment of horse appears in the Mahabharata, the Ramayana (both of which the BKs often reference ... but how many have actually read the iriginal!?!) and the Puranas.

It is also an art practised by the 'Adi dasi' (Indian forest dwellers and tribals) who are so "low" according to brahmanism, they don't even appear in the caste system. Interestingly, it is an art often practised by their women.

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